Helping You & Your Family Map out your future

Family breakdown recently or historically can mean at times situations arise which can cause conflict between parents when discussing issues, concerns or making plans for their children. Often communication has broken down.

Family mediation allows parents the opportunity to discuss matters constructively, in a neutral environment, with an impartial Mediator who is a professional experienced in helping other families in the same situation. Our Mediators are non-practising solicitors and so have experience and knowledge of the law in this area. The mediation process can help you consider options and make decisions jointly with less stress.

After separate MIAM’s, if both parents wish to engage in mediation, and mediation is assessed as suitable, a joint session will be arranged. 

Questions often asked during mediation by parents:-

Can the Mediator speak to my children? See more ‘There are no set arrangements. So how does it work? Who gets custody?’ ‘My ex has said I can’t take the children on holiday. Is he/she allowed to stop me?’ ‘My ex wants to introduce our children to his/her new partner, can he/she?’ ‘How does child maintenance work?’ ‘I’m concerned my ex is discussing adult issues with our children’. ‘The children are reluctant to see their mum/dad – do I have to force them?’

Often parents who mediate have not been in this situation before and don’t know, nor are they expected to know, how things work when you are separated. The Mediator can answer these questions and more, to help both parents understand and be better informed. This can help clarify issues and enable parenting plans to be put in place.

Although proposals in mediation do not create a legally binding agreement between the parents, there is scope to invite the Court to approve any plans if the parents wish to do so. The Mediator can discuss this with you and provide more information at your MIAM.

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Area's We Cover

Liverpool / Wirral / Merseyside / Chester / Northwest